27 July 2008

First post

Well, I finally got this set up - I think. I've always been a closet writer, I've just been experiencing a thirty year case of writer's block. I'm not sure if this is the format I want to use, but it seems to be a format that works now-a-days. Honestly, I never could have imagined where things are at this point. The internet, word processing, etc are all pretty Buck Rogers compared to 1978.

And then there is always the question of who would want to read my musings (by musings, I mean "a product of contempaltion; a thought" - http://www.thefreedictionary.com/musing). At this point, I guess I really don't care. It is more of an exercise for me. Practice if you will. Hopefully my posts will show some contemplation and thought, although I must admit that I am sure some will seem like rambling.

For the record, I am a 47 year old male. I am married. Have been with the same woman for over 28 years. I have two kids, girls, aged 15 and 8. I live in southwest Florida currently. I grew up in New York, and lived in California for nearly a decade. Oh yeah, I am white, caucasion or European American, take your pick. One branch of my family has been here, in America, for over 400 years, and the other since the beginning of the 20th century. I have a Master's degree and work in a professional occupation. I identify myself as an athiest. I am liberal politically - with the clarification that I am conservative fiscally and progressive socially. I just think that in the current framework, the liberals are a better fit for me. I'm sure more about all of the above will come out in this blogging process - as if anyone would care.

One more thing. Everything that I write here is copyrighted. Where I quote or refer to another site, I will make every attempt to give proper credit, or if necessary obtain permission from the author. At this point, I have left the blog with open comments. We will see how that works out.

Well, enough for now.

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